Owning a business is one thing, but when you employ so many people, the responsibilities begin to grow. When dealing with a large quantity of employees, there are bond to be call-ins and no-shows on a daily basis. Of course, these positions need to be filled and quickly, especially if this is an assembly line type of business. The only genuine way to manage all those employee names and phone numbers is with an employee contact list template.
Add & Delete As Needed
The great benefit of document templates is they can be printed out on paper or stored in on a computer. If you find yourself, continuously hiring, firing, or just losing employees, you will find it necessary to alter the list frequently. Instead of tossing the list in the trash and starting all over, you can easily store it on your computer. This way you and your human resource staff will always have instant access to it. You can also edit the list, whenever you feel it necessary.
Increases Productivity
Do you know how long it would take to gather employee phone numbers from your staff and other employees? You would have to put your other responsibilities on hold until you collected them and this is not to mention making the calls.