Procedure Manual Template

By | March 14, 2017

Any company that has individuals working for them needs to have a policy and procedure manual. Of course, this may seem like a daunting task, but this is where a policy and procedure manual template can come in handy. This document will outline the basics that need to be included in your manual. Along with this, the template is completely customization, so you can change, add, or remove items that you want to.

Mission Statement, Culture, And Values

When it is all said and done, the most important aspect of a policy and procedure manual is the introduction. When a new employee is first being introduced to your company. This will give that employee a feel for the culture and values that your company holds and how they will fit in. It can also tell an employee why your company stands out amongst the competition.


As you are hiring a new employee, you are going to expect certain things on them. You probably want them to be on time, do their job without causing too much of a fuss, and don’t miss more than 2 days of work a week. A policy and procedure manual will let your employee know what is expected of them and what will happen if they don’t meet your expectations.

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Procedure manual template

Procedure manual template
