Do you sell goods and services to consumers throughout the world? One of the best ways to convince consumers to purchase your products is by offering them a lengthy warranty. This reassurance will put their minds at ease and give them more reason to purchase the goods that you’re selling. Anytime you sell a product, you should make sure you use the warranty certificate template, so the client can be well aware of the specifics of the warranty.
What It Entails
The template can be customized and tweaked to a great degree, but it primarily sets forth information about your company’s warranty. For a vehicle, the warranty certificate can contain information regarding the vehicle, where it was produced, and its current mileage. For anything else, the certificate may detail the item’s name, production date, and where it was manufactured. It is always wise to include the VIN or serial number, so the consumer cannot use the warranty for an item not purchased from your company.
Its Benefits
This document can be beneficial for various purposes. It allows you to verify the warranty before giving a replacement or making the repair. This ultimately saves the company money. On the other hand, the document can be used by the consumer to ensure they can get a faulty item replaced for free. So, the document is truly a win-win and its use is a no brainer