Raffle Ticket Template

By | July 28, 2016

Raffles are widely used by nonprofits and event planners for raising money and cutting expenses. A raffle can easily be compared to a lotto, prize drawing, or sweepstake. Not only will the organization profit from the raffle, but also everyone will have an opportunity to support a good cause and wine a nice prize. Of course, planning a fundraiser is never an easy process, but with the right tools you can pull it off without a hitch.

Tracking Donations And Ticket Sales

With so many people involved in the fundraiser, it will be nearly impossible to keep track of the ticket sales. To improve your organization skills, you will need to take advantage of the raffle ticket template. This document is very simplistic, but it contains all the necessary details to make your job easier. All you need to do is edit the text and add your images, then print it. Once you complete the design, you can give everyone a copy, so they can document every sale and donation with ease.

Eliminates Errors

Dealing with money can be challenging, especially when there are so many hands in the pot. Surely you will not be the only one involved in the event, making it even more difficult to keep track of your progress. The easy-to-use, modifiable template can definitely make your job easier, plus it will eliminate errors, which could be detrimental to your cause.


Raffle Ticket Template
